Strawberry jam sugar free

Strawberry jam sugar free.......................

American standards of European standards

1 kg strawberry, fresh, de-necks
21 / 2 cup sugar a local artificial, or Splenda
1 / 4 cup lemon juice
How to prepare

1. Mash the strawberries in large bowl until get 4 cups of mashed strawberries.

2. Combine mashed strawberries in a pot with Sblnda and lemon juice.

3. Stir over low heat until it melts Sblnda, then raise heat and bring to boil, stirring occasionally.

4. When heavy mix and become Kalmrby, remove from heat and pour in Mratabin sterile, and leaves the vacuum 1.5 cm at the top of the jar and then closes.

5. Leave the jam to cool and then placed in the fridge.


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