Low-fat ice cream flavored with almonds

Low-fat ice cream flavored with almonds.....................

American standards of European standards

2 cups yogurt skimmed
1 cup soy milk, low-fat flavored with vanilla and cooled
1 / 4 cup almonds, section
1 / 3 cup honey
1 tablespoon canola oil
How to prepare

1. Put a bowl in the refrigerator until cool.

2. In another bowl, beat the milk with soy milk, honey and canola oil until the ingredients are mixed well.

3. Pour the mixture in ice cream-making body and attend in accordance with the instructions to get ice cream.

4. When you freeze ice cream, transfer to the cold pot, add the almonds and stir until it is quietly distributed evenly in the vessel,

5. Ice cream made ​​directly or stored in the refrigerator until such time they are submitted.


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